Category: John Ortega

  • Can OUSD political campaigns use pictures of the schools?

    Can OUSD political campaigns use pictures of the schools?

    Yes, the First Amendment allows the use of school photos to further core political speech, including candidates for public office and recalls of those candidates. Any copyright claim would seemingly be overcome by the defense of fair use. Any trademark claim would not be supported by any confusion as to whether the district was authorizing…

  • Who is Mark Bucher, Orange County / OUSD political influencer?

    Who is Mark Bucher, Orange County / OUSD political influencer?

    Mark William Bucher has channeled considerable donations to influence the Orange Unified School District Board of Trustees elections. This article provides basic information on who he is and what he seeks to accomplish notably conservative, openly anti-union goals. Basic Information about Mark Bucher Is Mark Bucher the largest political donor in OUSD politics? At least…

  • Will a no vote on the recall “stop higher property taxes?”

    Will a no vote on the recall “stop higher property taxes?”

    No. The “No on Recall” campaign has falsely claimed that, by voting no, voters can “stop higher property taxes.” The recall does not directly change property taxes. Moreover, only a supermajority of 2/3 of the board could send a bond to the voters, which must be approved by 55% of the voters. Even more perplexing…

  • OUSD 2001 successful recall election

    OUSD 2001 successful recall election

    In addition to the 2024 recall, OUSD had a recall in 2001 that recalled Martin Jacobson, Maureen Aschoff, and Linda Davis from the OUSD Board. In their place, Kathy Moffat, Melissa Taylor Smith, and John Ortega were installed as OUSD Trustees as a result of the 2001 recall, as the LA Times reported. Cal State…